Friday, 22 April 2011

Dartmoor DXpedition Recce

Good Friday 2011
It was a good way to start the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.  A trip to Dartmoor with M0PCZ and his XYL, SWL 'SXM' to find a suitable location for our little DXpedition on International Marconi Day on 30th April 2011.

Despite a little rain at first it turned out to be a lovely sunny day and we made a unanimous decision about the place we want to operate from on Marconi Day after having a picnic there and taking some photos.

We'll both be operating HF independently from vehicles while having a 'co-pilot' each. Paul (M0PCZ) has Martin (M0IME) aboard, while my fellow ham will be Dave (G4OTU).  Other stations are expected to be operating as well.  Listen out for us all.

The International Marconi Day (IMD) coincides with the UK special callsigns for the Royal Wedding and we'll be able to use the special callsigns on the day.  The RSGB has arranged for UK amateurs to have 'R' as the 2nd letter of the callsign.  My call will be GR2DXU, Paul's will be MR0PCZ.  The callsigns are only valid from the 29th April 2011 to the 9th may 2011.  So, we hope this will generate some interest and help us make lots of interesting contacts on the DXpedition.  I have ordered some limited edition QSL cards for the GR2DXU callsign and will be sending them for contacts made on 29th April, Royal Wedding day, and (if any still available) also on Marconi Day, 30th April.

The DXpedition is only 20 miles from home, by the way.  We're not going very far but it's beautiful scenery and we'll be operating from a height of around 400M above sea level.


M0PCZ/M and G2XU/M on Dartmoor 22/04/2011

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